Wednesday, July 13, 2011

There was some moron sitting one quad up and across from me this morning who had his iPod on so loud, I could make out the lyrics.

His back was to me and, sadly, he couldn't feel the daggers I shot at him with my eyes.

Dude, if I'm sitting that far away and can still hear your music, you need to have your hearing checked. And your manners.

He probably can't hear me.



Jen said...

6.41 from Ajax a couple weeks ago. Some chicky gets on after Pickering. By Guildwood everyone on the top floor now knew that the girl loved her some Beyonce.

Then, my hero. Some guy who gets on before I do, gets up, marches over to her. He demands that she takes the headphones out and then proceeds to berate her and tell her that people from 3 quads away could hear her music and turn it down.

I just need him to do that to the twinkie with a hard rock fetish that gets on at Rouge Hill.

GOTransitBitch said...

@Jen: Awesome! I love a white knight.