Friday, July 22, 2011

I received a series of GO News Alerts this morning.

First email sent at 07:15:

The Oshawa 07:00 - Union 07:50 train trip is holding at Oshawa due to a track switch issue. The current delay is 15 minutes. An update will be provided when your train is on the move.

This was sent at precisely 07:15. That means GO Transit sent me an email 15 minutes after the train was supposed to depart Oshawa, to tell me that the train was 15 minutes late. I know I suck at math, but I'm confident I could have done the calculation on that one on my own.

Second email sent at 07:18:

The Oshawa 07:15 - Union 08:05 train trip is estimated to be delayed 10-15 minutes from Oshawa due to a track switch issue.

Now, I know that there is always the possibility that the conductor will make up some time and the train will arrive at Union station pretty close to its scheduled time, but if the previous train is delayed 15 minutes, would it not be reasonable to assume the following train will also be delay by an equal amount of time?

Third email sent at 07:29:

Update: The Oshawa 07:00 - Union 07:50 train trip is on the move, delayed 25 minutes late from Oshawa due to a track switch issue.

Back to the first delay. Someone really needs to get their calculator out.

Fourth email sent at 07:39:

Lakeshore East Line Passengers: You may experience a longer commute than usual this morning due to a track switch issue just east of Whitby. GO Trains on your line are currently delayed up to 30 minutes. We are working to resolve this issue and resume your normal schedule. We thank you for you patience and will provide you with updates as we receive more information. it all make sense. They were just shooting crap out their yaws to appease us. Somewhere, someone is saying: "The whole thing is going to hell in a hand-basket. Just type anything. Use the Track Switch Excuse series."

And even as I wrote this post...

Fifth email sent at 07:55:

Update: The Oshawa 07:15 - Union 08:05 train trip is delayed 35 minutes from Oshawa due to a track switch issue. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Since the Track Switch Excuse is so often tossed about (and let's for a moment, slip into our fairy tale world and assume this is a legitimate excuse and issue), should GO Transit not be looking at why the switches continuously fail?, stay with me on this, cuz it's going to get complicated in a moment...actually FIX the damn switches?

Just a thought.


Jen said...

All of this happened after my usual train, so the only way this affected me was to take time and delete them from my inbox.

But - what they should have said was that the delay is heat related. I mean, they sent out that notice the other day saying that there will be delays for the next couple of days.

My train home last night was 10 minutes late leaving Union and then we had a lovely stop-over at Guildwood. Because (I am assuming) of the heat and the fear of broken rails. This and the delays for the earlier trains hindered the later ones.

GOTransitBitch said...

@Jen: It wasn't my train either...I just like to bitch. Feel free to bitch along with me, though.