Monday, July 11, 2011

I was going to apologize for not posting, but I decided against it. For two reasons:
  1. I was on vacation. And no one should ever apologize for taking vacation.
  2. Prior to vacation, I hadn't witnessed anything that really pissed me off. Miraculous, I agree, and probably worthy of a post in itself, but the lead up to vacation is paramount to the end of the world at my workplace and, for some inexplicable reason, the bosses can't seem to live without me and need to give me every single piece of work to complete before I leave; so I was too busy to post even the most mundane item.
About the third day into my vacation, I realized I hadn't received any GO Train alerts. At first, I wondered if it was because I was out of range. Then I realized it's because there were no delays. Which leads me to believe that GO Transit only has delays when I'm taking the train. I know that sounds radical and somewhat egotistic, but it is, as I've mentioned before, all about me.

I didn't miss commuting one bit. Visiting family in a small northern town reminded me how much I'd like to win the lottery and tell GO to shove it. And if that wasn't enough, coming back to work today was.

I'm walking down the platform. Ahead of me, walking with military precision along the yellow "do not cross this" line, is a woman. I'm impressed that she's not staggering all over the place like some drunken sailor, as most commuters do.

I admit, I walk fast, and I'm gaining on her quickly. The sun is coming up behind us and our shadows stretch for several feet ahead of us. My shadow begins to overtake hers.

Then it happens.

She veers to the right, walks in front of me and I have to careen around her to avoid a collision. Jesus! Does she drive like that?

"Stupid ditz," I say. She doesn't hear me.

Obviously she's in her own little world. Did she not notice my shadow? What did she think it was? Her imaginary friend following her to work?

I hope she realizes that the yellow line isn't actually going to prevent her from stepping off the track into an oncoming train.


RonNasty said...

Most if not all people don't pay any attention to their surroundings when they walk, that's why people walk in bunches... herd mentality. Obviously, this one had strayed.

GOTransitBitch said...

So true, Ron. So true.

Jen said...

I tend to trip them, or at least, to not move out of my way. Knocked shoulders a few times with the more "dreamy" of individuals.

But, why should I care. I can walk in a straight line.

C.J. Smith said...

I expect that you must always tell me when you are on vacation. Thank you.