Like many GO Riders, I receive the GO E-News Alerts. For the record, these emails are a waste of time.
Take tonight for instance.
At 21:06 I received an email that the 21:13 train trip is estimated to be delayed 30-40 minutes due to an equipment issue affecting an earlier train. Yeah, thanks GO Transit. I was already in Union Station and could read the sign.
If the train is going to be delayed this long, and it's due to issues with an earlier train, wouldn't GO Transit know that the train is going to be delayed? Why do they wait until the last possible minute to tell us? If they'd said something earlier, I would have found an alternate route home. Instead, I'm sitting in Union Station, waiting for the train, with my thumb up my ass.
Not literally, of course.
The sign announces the train will arrive at 21:45. It doesn't, of course. None of the regular commuters are surprised by this. It rolls in at 21:53. The announcer (they call them Ambassadors...that's another blog for another day) is hurrying us along, telling everyone to get on the train so we can get going.
Are you fucking kidding me?
To add insult to injury, AFTER the train departs the station, they announce it will terminate at Whitby, one stop short of its usual route.
What about the people who were going to Oshawa?
They'll be bussed.
Oh, that's convenient.
Nice going, GO Transit.
Fucking fuckers.
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