July 9, 2012

I know I haven't been posting much, and I'm not going to apologize. I'm busy and I don't have time. I will try to post more often on this blog. Meanwhile, I do post my anger on Twitter, so head over there. 

For now, I have a challenge for GO Transit.

My biggest beef (but we all know, not the only one) with GO Transit, is their lack of communication and the way they dance around the truth.

Let's start with Performance Rating. They're so-called 95% on-time rating is bullshit. To be fair, each trip should have it's own rating. Let's face it, most of us take the same train every day. I, for instance, take the 07:01 LSE from Union to Ajax. The fact that the 10:52 is on time all the time makes no difference to me. I never EVER take it. I want to know how many times MY train is delayed. Lumping all the rides into one statistic gives a false reading, implying that 95% of the 07:01 trips are on time when we all know that's not the case. 

So, GO Transit, give me THOSE statistics. If you want to talk the talk and brag about your 95% rating, then let's be real about it. Tell me how MY train is doing and tell everyone else how THEIR train is doing.

Or are you too ashamed to face the truth?


TheAngryClive said...

You know what else is bullshit? Their stats indicating the # of available seats on each train.

Squiggles said...

I have always referred to that train as the 7 o'something. Because everytime I used to take it, it came anywhere between 7.01 and 7.11. It was never on time.

But until they can figure out to send a status email on time (and not 30+ minutes after the fact) their stats ain't never gonna change.

Anonymous said...

Um, they sort of do exactly this already:


Anonymous said...

Padding the schedule a couple of yeras helped the percentage immensely. It's a joke!